
how the hell do you mate with knight and bishop?

I don't know who keeps deleting my comment for no reason but this time I'm taking a screenshot. If this gets deleted telling no reason, I'll report it to thibault.duplessis[at] (hoping this guy is not the one who deletes :D). Anyway, here is my comment:

Looks like the engine that you were using knew what to do :))
You might be right, he wasn't making any progress until after the long pause at 74. He usually loads up right after the opening early mid game if it gets murky.
Or an attempted smartass.

He still kept fucking up after move 74. Then again, the guy is kinda weird...and closed his account not long after he reported a cheater to legend who in turn caught that xia0q0ouasdfsdfsdf wtf himself was cheating.

No reason for people to be a bitch about it or anything.
About the analysis:

I'm not sure if you addressed this, but on move 78 by black, the computer rates their positions as equal. This cannot be the case; white's only legal move leads him into a forced checkmate sequence. In fact, white's only legal move at 79 was counted as a blunder. This seemed to happen a few times after the game was down to KvKBN.

Chesscaptcha? CHESSCAPTCHA! :D
Ive been telling you guys forever, you never listen
I think that happens, if you are about to run into repetition.

In this case, he missed mate in 1 at move 77. So he would need to move the knight back in move 78. After that the same position would occur and the engine assumes for black's 78th move that he would be as stupid and mess it up again. Therefore engine says "draw". But after white's 79th move, the engine realizes "Oh fuck, I forgot, there is mate in 1" and 0.00 changes to -999999999....and engine sees only one possible solution to this. White's move must be major fuckup.

It is known problem with lots of engines. Encountered it several times myself on Fritz.
Can't believe I forgot about that.

It's definitely the explanation though.
Usually engines are compelled to support detection of using the threefold repetition rule to their advantage in a way that assumes a player is willing to carelessly repeat the same position three times.
Dear right infringementer who silenced me 2 times for no reason, I don't know who you are. I won't even try to find you and I'll keep screenshooting every thought of mine because of you.
Maybe if you:

a) start cheating in rated games
b) deliberately post off-topic/impolite messages every single time
c) create a bannable account (oh hey look at that...)

Whoever silenced you might stop.


Uh ok, this thread seems a little too popular for a typical endgame question by a former cheater who closed his account XD.
Good thing *most* of the posts are relevant/merited though.

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