
Losing on time when opponent doesn't have enough material to checkmate

I played a game where I ran out of time and lost but the opponent only has a knight left. I thought this was supposed to result in a draw due to insufficient material. Can someone confirm if its a bug or I don't know the rules well enough.

Here is the game for reference

A pawn can become a Queen which can checkmate. If your opponent ran out of time instead it would have been a stalemate.
@LandonLagg said in #2:
> A pawn can become a Queen which can checkmate. If your opponent ran out of time instead it would have been a stalemate.

I’m the white player and I lost on time. I am the only player that has enough material to mate. Black won on time even though they don’t have sufficient material.
Doesn't it depend on whether a theoretical mate can be woven? Say, if you promote to a bishop then you have your king on h8, bishop on h7 and knight on g8 whilst your opponent's king is on f8 and your opponent's knight is on f7 - then you'll be in checkmate.

I think a situation happened similar to this between Magnus and Firouzja in world blitz a few years ago (2019 perhaps?) where Firouzja was the only one with pawns left but his time ran out and he lost because a theoretical mate was possible
@bufferunderrun said in #5:
> Here we go:

@basmati94 said in #6:
> Doesn't it depend on whether a theoretical mate can be woven? Say, if you promote to a bishop then you have your king on h8, bishop on h7 and knight on g8 whilst your opponent's king is on f8 and your opponent's knight is on f7 - then you'll be in checkmate.
> I think a situation happened similar to this between Magnus and Firouzja in world blitz a few years ago (2019 perhaps?) where Firouzja was the only one with pawns left but his time ran out and he lost because a theoretical mate was possible

Your knight and pawn can have you blocked in and you could get checkmated.