
Adding font colours to notes in study mode

Hi, please could you consider adding a colour pallet and bold, italic, underline functionality to the notes text box in the study page? The reason i ask it it would make adding notes much clearer, so my first notes could be my observation of my play without engine assistance, then the notes in (say) red, could be my notes on the computer's analysis.
You can change the text colour in studies by applying custom CSS through a browser addon such as Stylus. You would either need to write your own CSS or tweak someone else's. For example, here's what I use to make study pages easier on the eye:

Assuming you're using Lichess in dark mode (the default setting), line 121 supplies the appropriate text colour:

> color: #999!important;

If you change "#999" to another hex value (such as "#C433FF") while keeping everything else the same, then after you save your changes in the addon CSS, go to a study page in a different tab and the comments in the move list should now appear in the new colour.

That said, I don't know whether it's possible to achieve exactly what you want through this method.

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