
Lichess Feedback

RepliesLast post
Lichess TV Embed Chrome Error3
by simonjepps
I think the flipping board button should be on the main screen.2
by Sergio_R_Pozuelo
how do I avoid writing in study1
by mkubecek
Lichess doesn't allow correspondence variant rated games4
by UjaalaHussain
lichess is unfair at times pls take action11
by BornToWinEverytime
rating distribution is broken27
by Wisherwood
Message about not donating even though I haven't stopped0
by MzOvermind
very bad puzzle: Puzzle #dlnZt9
by ZhukovIvan2806
can we get option to change move highlight colour?2
by paulw7-uk
A joint in the three-dimensional chessboard of the personal website1
by nadjarostowa
I think its a bug in the hardest puzzles1
by Wonderous123
How many times ... ?0
by notenap6n
Информация в профиле не отображается как на этом аккаунте так и на основном Ivan_averkin_20131
by bufferunderrun
Sound for checking the opponent?1
by SlowZenPlayer
Lichess Shorts.6
by FreedBeast219